Reform the RFS
U.S. Production Capacity Anticipated to Double by 2025
According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, “U.S. production capacity for renewable diesel could more than double from current levels by the end of 2025, based on several announcements for projects that are either under construction or could start development soon.”
Feedstocks Are Abundantly Available to Power Renewable Fuel Production
LMC International, an agro-market consultancy, forecasted advanced biofuel supply and demand to 2025, and found more than enough biomass material and other feedstocks are available to significantly increase U.S. biomass-based diesel supply compared to EPA’s proposal, even after accounting for food.
EPA Undervalues Renewable Fuels by 500 Million Gallons Per Year
Lipow Oil Associates, a Houston-based energy analysis firm, projected built production capacity of biomass-based diesel, including renewable diesel, will reach 8 billion gallons by 2025 – more than double EPA’s proposal.
Learn More About Advanced Biofuel Production Capacity
LMC International: Outlook for Lipid Feedstocks to 2025
Lipow Oil Associates: Projected Renewable Fuel Capacity 2023-2025