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To help meet America’s crucial energy and climate targets, and close the electrification gap, advanced biofuels must be properly invested in, regulated, and promoted. The ABFA supports and advocates for public policies that are technology neutral, afford flexibility for the use of a variety of sustainable feedstocks, and ensure viable advanced biofuels can compete with the benefit of a level playing field.

Decarbonize Transportation Fuel

We need multiple solutions in transportation infrastructure to meet local, state, national climate goals, and to solve the electrification gap created by current policymaking.

Reform The RFS

If revised appropriately, the RFS could spur the development, commercialization, and widespread adoption of the low-carbon advanced biofuels industry.

Federal Funding

Federal support can be instrumental for companies with innovative technologies seeking to reach commercial scale.

Tax Policy

The ABFA supports consistent, technology-neutral tax incentives.