With action on energy necessary for the future of our planet and the global economy, U.S. policy makers are encouraging a transition to an electrified transportation fleet. However, millions of personal vehicles are unlikely to be electrified for decades, and aviation, long-distance trucking and marine shipping are difficult to electrify, leaving an “electrification gap.”
Fuels derived from renewable, non-food biomass – which Congress established in 2007 as Advanced Biofuels – can help to close the “electrification gap.” These fuels are distinct from first-generation biofuels like corn-based ethanol because they deliver a greater reduction in greenhouse gases and are one-to-one replacement for gasoline, diesel, and jet fuels. Plus, liquid advanced biofuels require little change in fuel distribution infrastructure or the transport fleet and can therefore be rapidly deployed without significant taxpayer investment.
The feedstock growers, producers, distributors, and marketers that advanced biofuels are members of the Advanced Biofuels Association (ABFA), the leading voice of energy innovators working to decarbonize transportation fuel. ABFA’s members create low-carbon fuels to protect the environment and ensure global energy security. ABFA members are committed to improving the efficiency of the global transport system, producing 50% of the nation’s aviation fuel by 2050, and helping America close the “electrification gap.”