Tax Policy
Biodiesel Blenders and Renewable Diesel Credits:
Provides biodiesel producers and blenders with a $1.00 credit per gallon of biodiesel or renewable diesel delivered to the tank of a vehicle, used as on-road fuel in their trade or business, or used during a blending process in the U.S. Expires December 31, 2024.
Second Generation Biofuel Producer Credit:
Provides second generation producers with a credit of up to $1.01 per gallon blended or sold. Eligible for fuels derived from renewable lignocellulosic or hemicellulosic matter or algae, cyanobacteria, or lemna. Expires January 1, 2025.
Alternative Fuel Mixture Excise Credit:
Provides blenders with a credit of up to $0.50 per gallon of alternative fuel used to produce a mixture, including CNG, LNG, LPG, P-Series fuel, liquid fuel derived from coal through the Fischer-Tropsch process, and compressed or liquefied gas derived from biomass. Expired December 31, 2024.